Thailand – Kuala Lumpur OVERLAND , Jakarta Overnight

Hari terakhir di Thailand… gw berenang di kolam renang ma nyokap gw n sejenak gw merenung, seneng banget bisa ke Thailand akhirnya ma nyokap gw šŸ˜€ entah kan ampe kapan bisa ama nyokap gw hehe, but i do really love her and like to spend time with her…

Nah, saatnya meninggalkan Thailand… hiks hiks… Jam 11 kita dijemput minibus buat balik ke Hatyai… Eh pas gw keluar hotel, bawa koper mau masuk ke minibus, di sebrang ada tukang tuk – tuk yang kemaren ini gw sewa… Trus pas liat gw bawa koper, dia malah nge-dadah-in gw coba… haha… ya udah gw bales dadah wkwkwk… bodor… trus sampe ke Hatyai sekitar jam 3-an dan nunggu bus kita jam 7 malem. Selama 4 jam akhirnya gw jalan2 di kota Hatyai…
Nah kesan gw selama di Thailand:
Entah gw yang GE-ER atau kenapa tapi selama gw di Thailand keq nya orang Thailand nya suka dengan tipe Ā  Ā wajah gw… mungkin cocok ama tipe mereka… soalnya kalo di Singapore sih keq nya biasa – biasa aja, bukan tipe orang sono banget, yang mungkin cenderung lebih modis ato gimana gitu fashion orang Singapore… Tapi waktu gw ke Thailand keqnya tanggapan mereka sangat positif (maksudnya banyak yang naksir =p lol) ato mungkin gw yang GE-ER? wkwkwk… #jadimalu… atau mungkin karena gw gemukan juga ya? haha, soalnya makan terus, tapi nyokap gw bilang kalo gw gemukan jadi lebih lucu, keq anak – anak pipinya lol… daripada kurus -.-” dan emank gw n mom gemukan juga sih di Thailand , makan terus hahaha… gw inget waktu di hotel nyokap gw ngaca, n bilang “Manda, look at your fat mom…” hahaha and I laughed…
Trus banyak orang Thailand yang ngira gw n mom emank orang Thailand, tapi begitu kita bilang “in english please” dan mereka pun langsung nanya where r u come from? mereka pada heran… trus ya gw bilang dr Indonesia… haha… funny…
Oke, lanjut… pas nunggu, akhirnya gw beli ice cream lagi… dan guess what… emank enak banget ice cream nya n murah lagi haha… gw bisa beli 3x tu ice cream nya… Masih lebih enak yang Itali itu sih , tapi ini juga ga kalah enaknya… hahaha… gimana ga gemukan…wkwkwkwk


Nah, barulah bus kita jam 7 berangkat… Kali ini gw naek bus Konsortium Ekspress, bus nya tingkat 2 and gw duduk di tingkat 2… Bus Thailand isinya ada jampe- jampe nya di deket supir, kalo gw sih serem sih liatnya… haha , swt -.-” gw ga suka jampe – jampe gitu, tapi banyak banget toko – toko Ā di Hatyai yang pake gituan… O ya , kalo Hatyai mungkin mayoritas nya agama Cina gitu, entahlah, kalo di Krabi campur, ada muslim juga… Nah gw pas ke sana kan lagi pada puasa. Keq nya muslim di sana sih adem – adem aja gw mw makan juga… Kalo di sini kan ada beberapa pihak yang suka `rese`… maap ya, tapi kenyataan koq… well, ga semua sih, cm beberapa pihak aja yang rese… Keq nya enak deh di Thailand, mereka ga suka ribut – ribut soal isu agama… beda sama di sini -.-” yang menurut gw ga penting juga , toh itu kepercayaan masing – masing, ya udah si ga usah diributin juga… Biarlah Indonesia memiliki keberagaman budaya, bahasa, dan agama… šŸ˜€
Nah trus perjalanan ke Kuala Lumpur… Nah gw ngelewatin imigrasi Thailand, trus Malaysia deh… Nyampe di Kuala Lumpur subuh, sekitar jam 3 subuh deh… Dan gw mau ke airport buat balik ke Indo. Akhirnya gw naek taksi. N buset ternyata mahal juga ya dari KL ke airport… bayar 150 RM (means 450ribu rupiah)… Jauh sih emank… untung supir taksi nya dapet yang baek… dia malah nasehatin kita haha.. Katanya “Luw orang berdua ati-ati luw… kalo ga pili – pili supir teksi, dapet yang jahat luw… Luw orang berdua canti – canti, cewe… kalo supir teksi nya jahat bisa diculik kan dibawa kemana aja ga tau kan luw di negeri orang… Kalo orang India, harga bisa cuma 50 RM, tapi ditodong…” ya pokoknya kita dinasehatin supaya ati2 milih supir taksi…
Nah sesampainya di KLIA masih subuh, jam 5 pagi… Dan gw belum beli tiket… Akhirnya gw cari tiket yang ga terlalu mahal.. maklum, kalo dadakan harganya suka mahal… Pertama gw nanya ke counter Malaysian Airlines dan dapet harga 3,5 juta ke Jakarta -.-” swt mahal pisan… Ā ga gw ambil donk… akhirnya gw cari2 di internet dan dapet Lion Air KL-JKT 1 juta seorang. Nah gw kan langsung ke kantornya sendiri, karena nyokap gw kasian juga si udah kecapean sampe sempet tidur di airport KLIA yang dingin… Ā haha… Pas gw mau beli tiket ke Lion pake credit card nyokap… eaaa , ditolak donk… udah over limit T_T gw ampe stress juga di situ takut ga bisa balik… akhirnya gw panggil nyokap gw ke counter Lion Air… untung masih ada kartu satu lagi, cuma gw takut ga jadi ke Bali soalnya nyokap gw bilang kalo uangnya dah abis ya udah pulang… gw kan masih pengen ke bali. Akhirnya dapet tiket Lion Air ke Jakarta deh… Entah gw bisa ke Bali atau tidak… haha… Sambil nunggu flight, gw n nyokap belanja di KLIA (gw si dah ga blanja, takut ga bisa ke Bali)… trus kita makan di resto Jepang di KLIA , gw lupa namanya… trus brangkat deh…

Sesampainya di Jakarta, gileee kantor imigrasinya penuuuuuuuuh banget , ngantri banget deh… trus akhirnya beres juga… gw n nyokap ke El John Tourism buat pesen hotel di Jakarta.. Hotel di Airport ternyata udah penuh semua T_T Dan, tiket to Bali!!!! Yea yea yea… ke Bali juga… Naek Batavia Air besoknya tapi… jd nginep semalem dulu di Jakarta… Trus dapet kupon voucher taxi White Horse yang dah populer di Jakarta… Ā voucher sih voucher… tapi tetep aja mahal ternyata… pas kita naek sih emank mobilnya juga keren, dan argonya juga keren, cepet banget naeknya… ini sih sama aja keq Silver Bird, tapi lebih murah dikit… Tau gitu kan naek Blue Bird aja, bisa setengah harganya… -.-” swt deh, gw dah deg-deg an aja takut mahal, ntr di Bali nya gimana nasib gw… (yang bikin deg-deg an gara2 kredit card nyokap gw yg satu dah over limit)… udah gitu macet lagi, ya tambah stress gw liat argonya yang terus naek… haha.. dan berakhir dengan beberapa ratus ribu -.-” akhirnya nginep semalem di jkt, n ketemu sodara gw… sekalian kasih oleh2 buat sodara gw šŸ˜‰ nah trus besok paginya subuh, dah panggil Blue Bird buat jemput ke airport… Dan benar sekali, argonya setengah harga dari White Horse… Gw nyampe bandara subuh… and so excited šŸ˜‰ Bali… I`m coming…

Spend A Week in Bali \(^.^)/ on August

CGK – DPS… Jakarta Bali… yeeeaaa… subuh subuh di airport Jakarta ke Bali… rasanya sesuatu banget haha… excited… Trus nyampe di Bali kita milih hotel dulu deh… nginep di deket Kartika Plaza 1 malam… Kalo naek taksi dari airport ngurah rai, pinter2 nawar aja , ato pake argo… nah sesampainya di kartika plaza, gw jalan – jalan, makan di pecel bu Tinuk… trus nyokap gw tidur di hotel, gw ngerjain kerjaan gw di sambil ngafe di restoran itali… gw pesen afogato coffee… coffee pake ice cream… and spend hours there…

Trus ketemu ama temen Rusia gw, Pavel aka Pasha… Trus sorenya gw n Pasha jalan2 di Double Six Beach… jalan di sepanjang pantai sambil ngobrol juga ampe sore… trus nyokap gw telpon mw makan malem, akhirnya pas mau balik, eh lupa parkir dimana… udah gelap juga soalnya… sempet nyasar deh hahaha , tapi akhirnya ketemu juga motor si Pasha di parkiran… akhirnya menuju hotel , trus nyokap gw suru gw ngajak Pasha ikut makan malem aja mau ditraktir juga… Akhirnya kita ber3 naek taksi ke Jimbaran , makan malem… Seafood… hehe… Tapi pas gw liat edun mahal -.-” Ada yang paket ampe jutaan… tadinya dah mau cabut aja tu dari restoran itu, tapi ternyata ada ala carte… Satu ikan aja 150 ribuan… Trus cumi satu ekor juga 150 ribuan… mending beli ikan , soalnya katanya cuminya menciut kalo udah dimasak… And nyokap gw beli kepiting sekitar 300 ribuan deh. Akhirnya setelah pilih – pilih, gw pesen ikan, nyokap gwĀ pesen kepiting, and Pasha pesen ikan juga.

Kita makan malem di Jimbaran, sambil nikmatin pemandangan šŸ˜‰ trus nyokap gw bilang ni kepiting keq nya bukan yang ditimbang tadi deh, soalnya capit nya kecil sebelah -.-” swt… trus balik ke hotel, Pasha pulang and kita lanjut jalan2… Trus gw n nyokap akhirnya ke Sky Garden.. Seorang bayar 75 ribu n dapet kupon minuman 1. Akhirnya kita ke lantai paliiiing atas, n duduk di balkonnya sambil liat pemandangan… Pas minum gitu, tiba2 ada yang ngajak gw ngobrol “So tell me, u enjoy the view?” trus gw ngebalik… gw cuma liat bentar and answer “Yeah…” Trus ngebalik lagi… #lagi ga mau diganggu =p Ā  Akhirnya dia tau gw not interested, udah ja ke temen2nya lagi… entah lah , maybe orang Australia… Trus nyokap gw nanya… jutek amat kamu, padahal lumayan juga kan cakep… yaaa lumayan sih cakep juga cuma gw ga nyaman aja ya, asa gimana gitu… Trus ga lama ada yang tiba tiba pegang tangan gw, pas gw liat ada bule lagi mabok… buset lah gw takut, dah deh gw langsung kabur… trus gw ngajak nyokap gw udah keluar aja dari situ ya… swt -.-” serem banget… dah gitu gw n nyokap jalan2 n beli pizza… baru deh pulang ke hotel n tidur…
Besok paginya nyewa mobil and pergi ke Ubud… Makan di RM Babi Guling Ibu Oka yang terkenal itu tapi menurut gw rasanya biasa aja dan mahal… Seporsi 50 ribu, sedangkan di warung2, babi guling gitu sekitar 10-15 ribu dan lebih enak rasanya… haha… Trus abis makan di warung ibu oka, jalan2 , beli ice cream lagi… trus jalan lagi n makan di Kafe Arma…

Trus Pasha datenk ke Kafe Arma, and kita bakal nginep di vila yang disewa Pasha sekalian ketemu bapak angkat gw di Bali, yang punya rumahnya… Trus sesampainya di rumah itu, ternyata ada penghuni baru… pasangan rusia juga namanya Irina ama Vlava… tapi mereka katanya ga suka diganggu orang asing… padahal mereka cuma nyewa kamar aja di rumah itu… ya udahlah, males juga akhirnya gw cuma nginep 2 malem di vila itu… Yang pernah gw kunjungi waktu gw ke Bali bulan Januari… deket Batukaru Temple… Trus ketemu ama Pa Vivin… nyokap gw juga ketemu Pa Vivin n ngobrol di sana… Trus malemnya kita tidur karena besok pagi mau pergi…

Keesokannya, jam 7 bangun… And rencananya mau naek kuda… Gw naek motor dibonceng Pasha, and nyokap gw dibonceng Pa Vivin… Trus kita naek kuda… tapi jalannya lewat belakang, sedikit nanjak dan jauh, n nyokap gw sempet kecapean… Di tengah jalan kita nemu buah coklat… jadi coklat tuh dari buah toh… baru tau gw… and pas gw makan buah nya si enak… haha… Karena Pa Vivin kenal ama yang tukang kudanya, kita dapet setengah harga… kalo lewat pintu masuk, seorang bayar 200rb… tapi kita cuma 100rb , okelah… hehe… akhirnya gw nyokap naek kuda…


Setelah naek kuda, kita ke hot spring gitu… abis berendam, duduk di warung gitu sambil makan mie… haha… setelah itu ke Jatiluwih liat rice terrace… sambil duduk di kafe… trus udahnya jalan lagi and nikmatin pemandangan, duduk di rumput… sambil tiduran di rumput… haha… tapi gw ama Pasha aja yang duduk di rumput, nyokap gw ama Pa Vivivn ngobrol duduk nya ga di rumput… di atas batu gitu haha… Kita duduk di sana ber jam – jam maybe… udahnya cari makan, beli di warung gitu… dan babi gulingnya lebih enak daripada yang di ibu oka… haha… udah gitu kita berkunjung ke temen Pa Vivin yang jual kopi luwak… jadi dia melihara luwak gitu… Akhirnya kita berempat pun minum kopi luwak and spend hours sitting there… Kopi luwaknya emank enaaak haha… Udah gitu berjunjung ke temen Pa Vivin yang nyediain tambak ama tempat pemancingan gitu, bisa pesen makan juga… trus punya gogok, gw gendong anjingnya , lucu hehe…. Trus pulang deh… Besok paginya nyokap gw beres2, tapi gw diajak si Pasha naek ke atas bukit di belakang vila… sawah2 gitu and kita jalan berjam – jam deh ampe gw gosong hahaha… jauh juga soalnya… dari jam 7 pagi and baru balik jam 11 siang… Trus gw dan nyokap gw dijemput mobil travel buat ke kota… dan kita pun berpisah… say goodbye to Pasha and Pa Vivin… Akhirnya kita ke Seminyak, and nginep di fave… Nah tadinya nyokap gw nawarin, mau ke Nusa Dua tapi cuma nginep bentar, ato mau di hotel yang biasa aja tapi diperpanjang (lagian belum beli tiket pulang juga hahaha)… Akhirnya gw milih diperpanjang ajaaa… Akhirnya gw 4 hari di Seminyak…
Hari pertama nyampe, jalan – jalan di Seminyak… Makan di resto Jepang, trus beli ice cream, trus jalan2 aja… Dah gitu besoknya gw pergi ama temen gw, Octavianus alias Ook… Temen maen gw waktu SMA, dia dulu di Aloy juga, satu sekola ma gw tapi beda tempat. Kalo gw di BN, dia di SA… And dia juga angkatan atas gw… kita ketemunya ga di sekolah , tapi di group hang out… kan biasa gw hang out ama crystal dkk… ya kenal di situ, dah lama juga si haha… Si Ook juga suka gw godain Jay Chou gara2 rambutnya rada mirip Jay Chou haha and mukanya juga sih , tapi waktu Ook masih kurus hahaha… sekarang sudah makmur dia, dah jadi bossss wkwkwk jadi weh gemukan wkwkwk… Tapi masih tetep suka gw panggil Jay Chou… Nah si ook dari bandung, pindah kerja di Bali…Trus Ook jemput gw… Tadinya si Ook bilang ajak aja nyokap gw jalan2 juga… cuma nyokap gw mw tiduran , cape… trus Ook jemput, pas datenk nanya, loh nyokap lu ga ikut…. Ya gw bilang ga ikut katanya cape mau tiduran aja… akhirnya gw n Ook pergi… gw diajak makan babi yang enak deket kost an si Ook… Udah gitu diajak ke market gitu lah, ada buat makan ice cream and di market itu jual makanan luar juga… Akhirnya gw n ook pun beli ice cream… abis dari situ kita ke Kartika Plaza mall… maceeeet banget jalanan di Bali… Ya udah sambil bermacet – macet ria, gw n ook ngobrol aja di mobil and bercandaan… Trus sampe di Kartika Plaza, kita makan lagi di cafe apa gitu , lupa gw sambil nunggu sunset… Trus akhirnya sunset juga , cuma rada ketutupan awan , sayang deh haha…

Udah dari situ, jalan2 lagi entah mau ke mana , akhirnya diajak makan nasi yang ditutup daun , porsinya kecil… Baru deh dianter pulang… Nyokap gw trus malemnya ngajak jalan2 lagi and makan di resto Jepang… dah kenyang banget deh gw hari itu makan terus… haha…Nah hari ketiga gw n nyokap gw pergi ke Potato Head Beach Club gitu… karena gw ga tau kalo di situ ada kolam renang, jadi gw ga bawa baju renang… Ya udah akhirnya kita cuma makan doank di sana… Yaaa mayan mahal juga, tapi porsinya sih emank besar banget… Akhirnya gw pesen Cordon Bleu ,tapi daging di dalemnya pork… Awalnya pelayannya ngasi tau kalo itu mengandung babi… Cuma ya no problem for me ;D

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Malemnya kita jalan2 and makan lagi deh seperti biasa… Ā Trus tidur deh… Ā Besok paginya kita siap – siap buat check out dan pulang ke Bandung… Berakhirlah liburan gw yang sangat panjang ini hehe… Eits, tapi ternyata belum berakhir loh! Haha… awalnya gw pikir begitu, ternyata….


James Bond Island, Thailand

Nah hari ke-3, kita ke James Bond Island pake long tail boat… Perjalanannya sedikit lebih jauh. Naek mobil travel dulu. Nah kan kita semua disuruh ngisi kertas asuransi data2 keq nama, asal, usia gitu. Trus penumpang di mobil itu bule semua, kecuali kita doank dari Indonesia. Nah gw n nyokap duduk di tengah, jadi ngisi di tengah – tengah. Belakang kita ada orang Swiss, ada cewe 2-an sekitar 20-an awal lah usianya, ama satu lagi keluarga gitu ayah anak ibu… Nah yang penumpang cewe ini jadi akrab sama yang keluarga itu gara2 mereka sama-sama dari Swiss. Udah gitu mereka ngisi tu kertas asuransi. Trus si ayah bilang “glaubst du, sie ist zwanzig!!!” #Eeeaaaa… Karena gw bisa bahasa Jerman ya otomatis gw ngerti donk mereka ngomong apa (walaupun ga semua percakapan yaaa, tapi kl yg gampang si gw ngarti…) Jadi si ayah ngira gw tuh anak kecil, baru belasan tahun, tapi pas liat biodata gw n mom gw yang tertulis 21 tahun dan 54 tahun, mereka langsung ngomongin kita n liatin kita… Mereka ngomongnya si bahasa Jerman, tapi kan sedikitnya gw ngerti… haha, tapi pura2 ga ngerti aja deh =p Nyokap gw juga dikira umur 40-an lol. Mungkin muka asia tuh jadi muda kali ya kalo buat orang bule -.-” swt pisan gw dikira anak kecil… tapi mom gw bilang soalnya gw gemukan, jadi pipi gw chubby, keq anak kecil jadinya… (gw kan kalo gemukan langsung ke pipi…)

Oke, lanjut… trus kita semua naek long tail boat… Dan ternyata ni ombak air nya nyiprat2 ke dalem boat, jadi basaaaaah… errr…

Nah trus kita ke James Bond Island. Kenapa dinamain James Bond Island? Soalnya pernah jadi lokasi syuting film James Bond yang Man with Golden Gun.

Setelah itu kita lunch… trus ke tempat buat kayak gitu… Tapi gw ga ikutan kayak… haha… cuma ke gua – gua gitu… Trus dibawa ke tempat air terjun… Wow, airnya bersih and keliatannya seger banget… Kita juga bisa berendam di bawah air terjun… Ya udah deh gw nyemplung… Soalnya airnya jernih banget, keren deh… And pas gw masuk , wow , dingin , tapi seger banget… Keren lah pokoknya…

trus pulang deh… Nah udahnya gw n nyokap jalan2 lagi. Trus akhirnya kita memutuskan buat naek tuk-tuk (transport khas Thailand)

Gw n nyokap dibawa jalan2 muterin Krabi naek tuk-tuk. Trus mengunjungi tempat ice cream… (biasa deh gw pecinta ice cream, kalo liat ice cream ga bisa berpaling gw hahaha…) Kita makan ice cream di uncle bear ice cream

Trus balik ke hotel and malemnya pergi lagi cari makan. Nah pas jalan2 akhirnya gw n nyokap mengunjungi tempat ice cream Gelato gitu… Karena gw maksa nyokap buat beliin ice cream lagi hahahaha… swt -.-” ice cream is de best lah šŸ˜€
Nah nama cafe nya Dolci Gelatti Cafe… Ternyata yang punya nya orang Itali… Dia dah lama tinggal di Thailand. Trus ngajak ngobrol gw n nyokap gw… Dia suggest-in menu2 nya ke kita… Akhirnya gw n nyokap pesen Spaghetti Bolognase, Pizza, Wine, and ice cream \(^.^)/ yeyeyeye… Nah sambil nunggu, yang punyanya ngobrol ama kita… Dia katanya betah di Thailand. Trus dia ga percaya kalo nyokap gw umur 54 tahun… haha… katanya keliatannya masih 40-an, dan gw juga dia kira masih teenager… wkwkwk… Makanan pun datenk… Yang pertama datenk Spaghetti. Nah nyokap gw makan duluan , trus bilang ini spaghetti nya enak, emank beneran versi Itali (berhubung nyokap gw dah pernah ke Itali, jadi katanya mirip sama yang doi cobain di Itali…) yeeeaaa , gw si lom pernah ke sana… someday lah… hehe… Kata nyokap gw soalnya spaghetti nya ada asem2 tomat gitu, nah itu versi yang bener,… kalo yang sekarang2 sih biasanya udaah dicocokin ama lidah orang Indo… Trus pizza pun datang, dan wow, daging ham nya banyak haha… Kalo di Bandung bakal susah nemu pizza gini, soalnya pake ham (daging babi)… Dan pizza nya pun enaaak bangeet… duuh pokoknya enak banget deh sulit dijelaskan kata2… Kita juga pesen Wine. Trus… my favourite part, ice creaaammm \(^.^)/ yeeeeeaaaa…. ini yang gw tunggu2 haha… Pilihan menu ice cream nya ga banyak sih, cuma nyediain rasa coklat,vanila,rum rhaisin, hazelnut… Kata yang punyanya, soalnya kalo terlalu banyak rasanya susah. mending sedikit pilihan rasa tapi rasanya mantap! haha… dan pas gw cobain , emank bener tuh mantap banget… teksturnya, rasanya, segalanya mantap deh ni ice cream. Dia ada juga menu ice cream yang dicampur alkohol , tapi ga gw pesen… takut tiba2 harganya melambung =p

Nah sebelum kita pergi, ama yang punyanya dikasi 2 shot minuman keras gitu, keq schnaps maybe… yang asem2 beralkohol, katanya bagus kali abis makan daging gitu… and he gave us for free!!! tu schnaps nya gratis haha… Dan setelah bill nya keluar, ternyata kita tidak menjerit haha… yaa worth it deh dengan harga segitu dan kualitas makanan yang aduhaiiii…. enak banget deh beneran… Puas bangetttt nget nget nget makan di situ… One of the best dinner i ever had… ga heran kan kenapa gw bisa gemukan di Thailand…

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Setelah dinner, nyokap gw ngajak massage lagi… Trus ya udah deh kita massage lagi… tapi kali ini ga semahal kantawan haha… nah udah beres massage, jajan lagi ama nyokap gw beli keq BBQ stick gitu… enak deh pokoknya… I really love Thai food… (jadi laper ngomong – ngomong…) XD

Phi Phi Island Tour, “The Beach” Leonardo Dicaprio

Nah hari kedua gw and mom ikut tour ke Phi – Phi Island, yang terkenal sama Maya Bay, lokasi shooting film “The Beach” nya Leonardo Dicaprio (1997). Pertama kita dijemput mobil travel gitu, trus diturunin di suatu tempat buat naek speed boat. Trus kita naek speed boat dari Ao Nang Beach ke Phi – Phi Island. Ombaknya besar banget, jadi di speed boat kita seperti dipontang – panting. Nah trus sampe di Phi – Phi Island, and wow , keren… pasirnya putih banget and lautnya biru banget haha… gw amazed… Tapi panas banget…

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Trus setelah dari Phi – Phi Island, kita pergi snorkling ke beberapa perhentian… termasuk salah satunya Maya Bay… Warna airnya hijau tosca gitu , keren deh pokoknya…

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Setelah itu baru deh kita pulang ke hotel… trus malemnya jalan – jalan di sekitar Ao Nang Beach… banyak cafe2 gitu… Kita makan di Tantra… Gw pesen nasi goreng Thailand, yang di dalem nanas… lucu hahahaha

Singapore – Thailand OVERLAND

Lalu setelah stays for 2 nights in Singapore, gw n mom pun melanjutkan perjalanan ke Thailand… Kali ini kita naek bus. Kita naek Grassland Express from Singapore to Hatyai for about 100 SGD for 2 persons. Setelah check out, menuju ke Golden Mile Complex buat check in di counter bus nya and nunggu deh bus nya brangkat at 7 p.m.Ā Selama di bus gw nikmatin aja pemandangan šŸ™‚ Trus sampe ke kantor imigrasi Singapore dan kita semua pun turun dari bus buat pemeriksaan, trus udahnya naek ke bus lagi. Trus bus nya jalan lagi and ga lama pun kita tiba di kantor imigrasi Malaysia buat pemeriksaan lagi. Tapi kali ini kita harus bawa barang bawaan kita buat di periksa karena mau masuk ke Malaysia. Sedikit lebih ribet prosesnya daripada waktu kita keluar dari kantor imigrasi Singapore. Nah trus lanjut perjalanan. Beberapa kali berhenti sih buat sekedar ke toilet atau makan, sekitar 30 menit-an. Makanan pun beralih dari khas Singapore jadi ke Malaysian food.
Nah nyokap gw pecinta teh tawar gt keq Chinese tea. Tapi pas pesen teh di Malaysia dikasihnya teh tarik… Setelah beberapa kali pesen teh trus dikasi teh tarik, nyokap gw protes… Kenapa sih dikasihnya teh tarik terus… Ya gw kasih tau kl teh tarik emank khas Malaysia (yang akhirnya selalu gw yang ngabisin…) Tapi nyokap gw ga terima soalnya doi ga bilang teh tarik… nyokap gw selalu bilang teh doank… Dan ternyata kita baru tau kalo mau pesen teh tawar biasa di Malaysia harus ngomong Teh-O… kalo ngomong teh doank dikasinya teh tarik… hahahha… Malaysia – Thailand butuh waktu perjalanan cukup panjang… Gw n mom pun bermalam di bus. Pagi – pagi sekitar jam 6-an gw bangun n liat – liat pemandangan… Trus sekitar jam 7-8an barulah kita sampai di kantor imigrasi Malaysia… Trus baru deh kita masuk kantor imigrasi Thailand…
Yeaaaaa, nginjek juga Thailand. As a matter of fact, this is my first time. Tapi kalo nyokap gw si dah beberapa kali ke Thailand, gw nya aja belum haha… Jadi yaaa u know lah first time nginjek Thailand rasanya gimana gitu… excited haha… Di kantor imigrasi Thailand, prosesnya agak membingungkan soalnya tulisannya bentuknya aneh – aneh, gw ga ngerti haha.. bahasa tagalog maybe? Trus perjalanan pun lanjut menuju Hatyai… Nah Thailand terkenal nih dengan makanannya yang enak – enak… Bisa wisata kuliner gw di sana. Sepanjang perjalanan gw merhatiin ni negeri… Ga beda jauh banget ama Indo, cuma ada kesan sedikit berbeda. Entah apa itu haha… Dan gw pun baru tau dari cerita nyokap gw kl rakyat Thailand tuh sangat mencintai raja mereka. Sampe – sampe di jalan2 pun banyak foto raja mereka n keluarganya terpampang di billboard gt…
Nah kita sampai Hatyai around 9 a.m. trus kita nunggu transport lagi buat ke Krabi… Tadinya gw bingung mw ke Phuket ama Krabi. Cuma setelah browsing2, ternyata banyak yang bilang kalo mw lebih ke party sih pilih Phuket. Tapi kalo untuk pantai yang tenang gitu, pilihlah Krabi… Karena gw pikir abis ini gw mau ke Bali juga, yang identik mirip dengan Phuket, jd gw ambil Krabi deh… Nah kita dapet transport lagi dari Hatyai ke Krabi. Tapi harus nunggu sejam soalnya mobil minibus nya berangkat jam 10. Ya udah gw jalan2 sebentar di Hatyai. Hatyai tuh semacem kota kecil gitu. Deket perhentian bus nya banyak keq toko – toko kecil. Gw beli cemilan di sana (berhubung gw suka nyemil). Dan sedikit kaget gw karena ternyata kurs Thailand lebih murah daripada Indo! Apalagi gw abis dari Singapore yang kurs nya mahal, jadi pas ke Thailand asa murah banget gitu haha… (Really, everything in Singapore are kinda expensive… buat sekali makan aja yang murah sekitar 5-6 dolar… dan di foodcourt bisa spend 10 dolar deh seorang).
Lalu jam 10 teng, minibus pun menjemput. Pas gw masuk, udah ada penumpang. Satu cewe, entah orang mana, Prancis maybe? tapi masih kecil sih, remaja gt, gw perkirakan baru belasan tahun, dia sendirian. Gw sempet ngobrol ma ni cewe, dan di bilang kalo temen2nya sih udah nunggu di Krabi. Di kursi paling belakang ada orang Thailand nya sendiri 3-an, semacem polisi sana deh… Nah trus kita masih harus jemput orang lagi di travel lain baru pergi ke Krabi. Trus pas jemputnya, masuklah sekelompok pemuda gitu, mungkin 20 tahun-an sekitar 6-7 orang. Entah orang mana, yang pasti gw sih cuci mata =p soalnya cakep – cakep juga haha, and my mom said so. haha. Setelah mereka masuk, dengan hebohnya sambil ngobrol, barulah gw tau kalo mereka orang Prancis. Yeaaa cakep – cakep haha, and they can`t stop talking and joking selama perjalanan.
Hatyai – Krabi makan waktu sekitar 4 jam perjalanan. Jadi gw nyampe Krabi sekitar jam 2 – 3 an. Nah pas kita turun di situ, ada travel agent nya, yang akhirnya nyokap gw mutusin buat mesen segalanya di sana karena dah ga mau pusing. Setelah memilih – milih dan menawar – nawar, akhirnya inilah itinerary gw selama di Krabi:
1. Hari pertama kita massage di Kantawan (tempat massage gitu yang menurut gw mahal) spend : 3500 bhat
2. Day 2 kita tour ke Phi – Phi Island by speed boat, spend : 2.500 bhat
3. James Bond Island tour di hari ketiga by long tail boat, spend : 1.800 bhat
4. Hotel 4D/3N, spend : 4.500 bhat (ni harga massage ama hotel ampir sama -.-” )
5. Transport to hotel , spend : 1.000 bhat
6. Transport from Krabi – KL , spend : 2.000 bhat
Menurut gw yang harga massage tuh kemahalan deh… Trus kita diantar ke hotel, nyampe hotel check in jam 4-an. Wow, beda banget ama hotel di Singapore. Kalo di SG, dengan harga 130 SGD kamarnya sumpek banget, ni di Thailand dengan harga 4.500 bhat buat 4D/3N kita dapet kamar yang spacious banget, trus ada kolam renangnya, and langsung ngadep ke pantai… Kamar mandinya juga besar… Trus kita pun siap – siap jam 5 bakal dijemput buat ke tempat pijat, Kantawan. Ternyata oh ternyata, ga heran kenapa mahal beeuuudd… Letaknya jauh dari Ao Nang Beach (tempat hotel gw), jadi kita dijemput sama mobil pibadi gitu…
Nah jam 5 kita tunggu di lobby, dan supirnya jemput kita. Kita naek mobil semacem… CRV? maybe… trus diantar ke Kantawan.
Pas pertama masuk, tempat nya sepiiii… Kita parkirin mobilnya, trus masuk ke tempat nunggu-nya. Trus dikasih minuman ama handuk basah. Gw n nyokap duduk di sofa sambil nunggu prepare-an. Ternyata teh nya enak! Wah, kaget gw haha… ternyata itu teh pandan. Trus setelah beberapa saat, barulah siap. Nah pertama – tama diajak ke tempat duduk dari kayu, and liat pemandangan ke kebun. Trus terapis nya bersihin kaki kita di dalem baskom air hangat. Trus barulah kita ke atas. Tempatnya agak besar, lantai kayu – kayu and suasananya heninnnnnggg banget. Trus gw ke toilet dulu and toiletnya juga besar and interiornya mewah juga, tapi jadi sedikit serem kalo buat gw hahahha… Trus gw ambil paket hot-stone massage, kalo nyokap gw apaaa gitu lupa gw… Selama 2 jam kita dipijet… udahnya, duduk lagi and dikasi minuman lagi. Yang bikin gw kaget lagi soalnya enak rasanya dan beda rasanya dari yang tadi… Entah minuman apa itu tapi yang pasti enak deh haha..
Udahnya kita dianter sama supirnya ke market gitu, dan luckily supirnya ngasi tau kalo market itu ga buka tiap hari, cuma waktu2 tertentu aja dan hari itu hari terakhir buka. Untunglah jadi gw n nyokap bisa liat2… Sebelumnya kita dianter ke patung kepiting raksasa. Trus di market gw beli banyaaaaak banget jajanan gitu dan semuanya enak! haha… entahlah pokoknya makanan thailand tuh enak2 banget buat gw, cocok di lidah gw… Gw selama di Thailand makaaaan terus n keq nya timbangan gw ampe nambah deh hahaha… jadi chubby gw di sana haha…
Setelah dari market, kita dianter lagi ke hotel… trus istirahat deh…

Summer Holiday – Singapore Part 1 : BDO – SIN

First Chapter : Bandung – Singapore

Next semester which will be my fourth year in my campus – STP Bandung , I will do my internship (job training) in Malaysia. This will be my second job training. It will be in Concorde Hotel Kuala Lumpur and I will be a trainee in HR Department. But, since I`m Indonesian, I gotta have a working permit to be able to work there. So,while waiting my working permit to be processed, mom took me for a holiday. It was all a sudden , no plan at all. My mom told me to search for a flight to Thailand coz she wanted to have a holiday there with me. I never been to Thailand before. While my mom already visit it for several times.
Holiday kali ini sebenernya ga ada rencana sama sekali. Apalagi gw semester depan bakalan job training (internship) n ga tau kapan mulainya. Harus nunggu working permit keluar dulu, baru tau kapan mulai internship nya. Temen2 kelasan gw yang laen udah mulai job training, soalnya rata ā€“ rata mereka pada ngambil di dalam negeri. Karena gw apply ke Malaysia, jadi harus ada visa dulu buat kerja dari imigrasi. Nah, tiba ā€“ tiba, entah kenapa my mom ngajak pergi liburan , tapi belum tau ke mana. Kita sempet discuss mau kemana nih liburannya. Trus setelah check tabungan gw ada berapa n tabungan my mom ada berapa, kita mulai mikir ā€“ mikir mau kemana. Trus tiba ā€“ tiba my mom nyeleteuk, gimana kalo ke Thailand aja.Ga terlalu mahal juga dan ga perlu apply visa. Tanpa pikir panjang gw iya in aja, lagian gw belum pernah ke Thailand ini haha.. Nah akhirnya my mom nyuruh gw aja aturin tiket dan penginapan segala macem. Soalnya my mom kebetulan minggu depan mau pergi juga ke Pangandaran ama temen2 nya. Ya udah akhirnya gw cari semua flight n hotel bla bla blaā€¦ Dan my mom told me that, we gotta go next week. Soalnya kan gw ga tau juga kapan mulai job training nya, jadi kalo kelamaan, nanti bisa bisa batal deh liburannya. Akhirnya gw cari flight murah dllā€¦ Tapi karena mepet banget, jadinya ga ada flight murah ke Thailandā€¦ Udah abis semua promo nya. Akhirnya gw cari akal gimana deh biar ga terlalu mahal n worth it. Ternyata ada penerbangan murah dari Bandung ke Singapore. Nah gw pikir dari Singapore bisa tuh jalan darat ke Thailandā€¦ Mungkin bakalan menekan cost nya. Sekalian jalan2 juga, biar liburannya bisa lebih lama n got new experiences… Dan gw pun melakukan research harga bus, train, all possibility to Thailand from Singapore overland. Tapi gw sempet pusing juga ngurusinnya, soalnya kalo salah perhitungan , gawat deh kalo udah booking. Dan akhirnya gw ga berani booking apapun kecuali hotel di Singapore dan flight ke Singapore.
Apalagi my mom ga ada di Bandung, jadi susah gw mau ambil keputusan booking dsb, gw harus memutuskan segalanya sendiri and it`s not a little amount of money of course -.-“. Dan akhirnya gw cuma punya waktu 3 hari buat bikin plan n ngurusin segala macam termasuk beli tiket, nukerin duit, cari ā€“ cari info. Pokoknya mepet banget deh rasanya, apalagi gw sama sekali nge-blank tentang Thailand. Bahkan packing nya juga beberapa jam sebelum gw berangkat loh! Haha , eduuuunā€¦
Akhirnya rencananya pergi dulu ke Singapore, trus stay di Singapore 1-2 nights, trus lanjut ke Malaysia, trus Thailand. Nah di Thailand rencananya mau ke Krabi, trus ke Bangkok , baru balik ke Indo. Tapi ga sampe di situ, di Indo lanjut lagi ke Bali. Tapi itu baru rencana doank, gw belum berani booking apapun. Apalagi mepet banget jadi harga tiket dsb pasti ga ada yang promo. Pokoknya sistemnya sih selama duit masih ada, jalan terus… kl udah menipis, baru pulang… haha….
Akhirnya setelah my mom pulang dari Pangandaran hari Rabu, besoknya (hari Kamis) kita langsung berangkat ke Singapore. Naek Batavia Air murahā€¦ dapet tiket seharga 393.000 one way per person include baggage 20kg. Not bad lah yaā€¦ Sesampainya di bandara Changi, kita langsung belanja lagiii… ga tau tuh berapa jam ya ampe pas gw mau ambil koper gw, ilang! ga tau dimana… akhirnya gw tanya petugas nya, trus dia tunjukkin di ujuuuuuung banget koper gw di banned dengan tulisan “LATE”… swt deh -.-” si koper oranye gw yg mencolok mata itu warnanya… haha…
Trus gw udah pesen hotel di Singapore, tapi ternyata setelah sampe Singapore n got a taxiā€¦ Supir taxi nya bilang kalo ternyata hotel yang kita pesen tuh di Red Districtā€¦ Which means tempat prostitusi… Bahaya >.< Cuma karena udah booking n dah bayar, jadi ya udah apa boleh buat. Pas gw nyampe hotel nya, trus kasih print an booking nya, ternyata oh ternyataā€¦ gw salah masukin tanggal donkā€¦ jadinya it such a wasteā€¦ Kita ga bisa nginep di hotel ituā€¦ Doeeeng , pusink deh gwā€¦ Tapi gw menghibur diri, at least kita akhirnya ga harus stay at Red District, apalagi gw n nyokap suka kelayapan malem2 cari makan, kelaparan =p. Bahaya kan kalo di red district… Pas siang2 aja gw keluar dari hotel itu banyaaaaaaak banget yg liatin -.-” swt deh ampe gw keluar keringet dingin… Untungnya mereka pada liat gw bawa2 koper, jadinya cuma ngeliatin doank… Kl brani nanya2, gw tampoooool dah… Akhirnya got another cab n find a hotelā€¦ Tapi beberapa hotel dah gw kunjungin n rata2 fully booked. Edun, gw sampe pusink nyari hotelā€¦ Apalagi hotel di Singapore mahal ā€“ mahal >.< Setelah pasrah, n muter ā€“ muter akhirnya gw contact ama my Singaporean friend that I haven`t met since years ago….. ya gw pikir secara gt dia orang sono, lebih ngerti deh… Kebetulan dia baru pulang kerja, n akhirnya bantu kita cari hotel. AkhirnyaĀ dapet hotel juga di daerah Selegie, kita stay di sana for 2 nights. Hotel 81, chains hotels in Singapore… the room was verryyyyy smaallll but the price is so high -.-” Ā 130 SGD per night!
Di Singapore gw n mom jalan2 aja, ya belanja, beli makananā€¦ And of course hunting for ice cream dong , as always hahahaā€¦ (penggemar berat ice cream)ā€¦Ā  Enaknya di Singapore tuh aman n oke oke aja jalan malem ā€“ malem juga (kecuali di beberapa daerah keq Red District gitu ya) dan untungnya kita ga di sana karena gw salah pesen tanggal haha (untung cuma 1 malem, kalo ga sayang eduuuun)ā€¦ Bahkan subuh juga gw n mom masih jalan2 cari foodcourt yang 24 jam hahaā€¦ Pokoknya waktu di Singapore ktia jalan terus deh seharianā€¦. Ampe kaki pegel ā€“ pegel hahaā€¦Ā But it was fun, we shopped a lot!
Trus tiba saatnya untuk check out hahaā€¦ Oh , sebelumnya gw pesen tiket dulu dari Singapore ke Hatyai (Thailand). And menurut suggest si taxi driver, kalo untuk bus (coach) enaknya pake Grassland. Jadi akhirnya gw pesen tiket bus Grassland dari Singapore ke Hatyaiā€¦ Seinget gw sekitar 150 SGD for 2 persons. Kita check out jam 12 siang, sementara bus berangkat jam 7 malam…. Akhirnya setelah check out kita titip luggage dulu di hotel… trus ketemu Willy, makan bareng di Waraku, trus beli ice cream, beli baju, udah deh menuju ke Golden Mile Complex… Siap2 menempuh perjalanan jauh šŸ˜‰

What to Wear on Summer Vacation Trips?

Vacation Cover Photo

If youā€™re like me,Ā packing for vacationĀ is a struggle because you usually want to bring your whole closet with you! (Curse you, baggage weight restrictions!)

To help make the process a little easier, Iā€™ve put together a fewĀ outfits for you to try on vacation, wherever your summer travels take you! Iā€™ve also included a fewĀ packing tipsĀ to help you worry less about packing and have fun more fun on your trip. Bon voyage!

Packing Tips

First, you want to make sure you pack a little purse or book bag for the plane. I always bring a little book bag and then put my purse inside that or in my suitcase so I have more room for snacks and books.Ā Hereā€™s a list of items to put in your purse/book bag for the plane ride:

  • iPad and Handphones
  • Books, Kindle, Magazines
  • Snacks
  • Journal and pens ā€“ doodle or write a list of things you want to do on vacation
  • Wallet with money, ID, etc. (Easy to find in your bag)
  • Sunglasses
  • Hand Lotion (Travel bottle)
  • Small hand Sanitizer (Especially when on the planeā€¦ I use this religiously!)

Then, I bring a carry-on for the rest of my packing needs. Inside, I have aĀ ModellaĀ case for my makeup and hair supplies. I got mine at WalMart and I love it! Itā€™s soft (rather than hard plastic) and it fits nicely in my bag!Ā Also, itā€™s important to have a carry-on bag with wheels ā€“ trust me, you donā€™t want to carry a heavy duffel bag around huge airports. Your back will thank you.

Thatā€™s just a little overview on what I like to take with me and how I like to pack. Now letā€™s check out some cute outfit ideas for vacation!

Outfit 1

Travel Outfit
Shirt,Ā Shorts,Ā Shoes,Ā Belt

This outfit is perfect for traveling! The sandals are easy to take off at the airport (bring socks in your purse if youā€™re germaphobic), and the shorts and tank top make this outfit easy and breezy. The brown belt and fedora had add a nice touch, and keep this outfit stylish yet still comfortable.

This outfit could easily go from the airport to Disneyland, a resort, or wherever your travels may take you. The other great thing about this look is that the belt, shorts, shoes, and hat can all be worn interchangeably with the outfits below, saving you lots of packing room!

Outfit 2

Park Outfit
Shirt,Ā Shorts,Ā Shoes,Ā Necklace,Ā Ring

This next outfit is perfect for hanging out in the sun, or playing in theme parks all day. The bright flat sneakers keep your feet comfy while the tank top keeps you nice and cool. Add some rings and a conversational necklace and you are set for a day of fun! Donā€™t forget a little purse and some sunglasses.

Again, this is a super versatile look ā€“ this outfit and Outfit 1 could easily be swapped around to create a new outfit. Think white shorts, floral tank, sandals and fedora or jean shorts, nautical tank, and yellow shoes. Mix and matchā€¦ thatā€™s the name of the game while traveling!

Outfit 3

Dressy Travel Outfit
Dress,Ā Shoes,Ā Headband,Ā Necklace

If youā€™re going out to dinner or walking around town during your vacation, youā€™ll want to bring a nice day-to-night sundress like this one. For daytime, wear it over your bikini with sandals, and at night, pair it with a cute headband, some flats (that fit easily into your bag), and an adorable necklace.

There you have it!

Voila! three easy outfits for you to bring along with you on your trips this summer. Itā€™s always a good idea to put together a few outfits ahead of time and try them on so you know what they look like. Once you have a few outfits put together, youā€™ll have more time to do the things that are fun on your trip ā€“ rather than wasting your time getting ready in the morning!

Have fun this summer and remember toĀ comment below and let me know where youā€™re going this summer and which outfit you like best!

My Journey Back to Bandung from Bali – Part 4

Well , I know it`s a lil bit too late to write about my last Bali Trip, but let me finish it lol…
So when i arrived in Lombok and planned to take the ferry, the local people said that it was just impossible to get on the ferry in such situation. The waves was too big! So the choices only stay in Lombok or find a flight to Bali… While deciding, I was just sat on the ground.. And that time, I was just really want to go back home , lol. And i started crying , well it was embarassing but i just couldn`t resist it. Then i heard that 2 tourist from Sweden and 2 tourist from Switzerland decided to find a flight to Bali, and they got to pay 2 millions each. I didn`t have that much money… So the only option was only stay in Lombok for one night… I don`t know why but my feeling was really bad that time… Then my stepfather called me, because I told him that I want to visit him before I go back to Bandung… So he called me and asked whether I`m gonna visit him again or not…
He also already packed a box of mangosteens for me and he worried about me too… Then finally I got flight tomorrow from Lombok to Bali at 3 p.m. and will arrive in Bali around 4 p.m. So Pa Vivin will give me the mangosteens in airport, because my flight to Bandung at 8 p.m. It was impossible for me to come to his house in Tabanan then go back to airport.

So, I go to BIL (Bandara Internasional Lombok) or Lombok International Airport. Then arrived in Bali at 4 p.m. Then I called Pa Vivin… Then I just wait in the airport… And Pasha called me to ask my position , then we met and guess what!!!! I got around 5 kgs mangosteens from Pa Vivin… I thought Pa Vivin will come also , but unfortunately he couldn`t coz Pasha come with his friend, Andrey. So I was a lil bit dissapointed coz I think Pa Vivin will come too… Now, my worries are how to bring this 5kgs mangosteens and my bags , alone? lol , it was so heavy and i don`t use bagagge, so i must carry it by myself till get into the airplane! lol… Finally, after such a big effort, I could make it… And… HHHOOOOMMMEEEE… I felt so happy to meet my family again… Couldn`t wait to tell my mom my entire story… haha… she was a lil bit shock in a part that i travelled alone in Bali. But then I was just told her that I`m afraid if I told her before, she won`t allowed me to go alone. Sorry to cheat on you mom, coz I know when I told you that there`s a part that I go alone, mom won`t allowed me. Coz the more one forbid me, the more curious i become.

And I want to give my appreciation to my friend, Pasha who teached me new way of life, new idea of life… While everybody around me busy judging me, gossiping me or something, he`s the one who`s not… He said that, that`s your life, live on it as you like it… You could never be perfect to everyone, so don`t waste your time by being perfect.

Sooo…. That`s the end of the story… And what I really like (and still miss it), is the part in which I dont have to worry what other thinks, seems like my burden are lifted… And that was hapenned in that small village coz the people are open minded type , i live in a very natural environment, my minds were so free and I could live my own life. No one tell me what to do. No one come with their good or bad comments šŸ™‚
See you, that moment… I`ll find you soon!!!

Gili Trawangan Story – PART 3

After saying goodbye to Pasha , I continued my journey to Gili Trawangan. It was only me on the shuttle bus , lol , no another passengers. The driver told me that , usually the other are picked up from Kuta or Nusa Dua etcā€¦ Then around 9 a.m. I arrived at the speed boat service , I used ā€œSrikandiā€ and paid around 300.000 IDR from Bali to Gili Trawangan (1 hour) and went to the office to get my speed boat ticket , then heading to Padang Bai Harbour. Around 10 a.m. I arrived at Padang Bai Harbour , but they said the boat will leave @ 11 a.m. so I just walked around alone there to killing the time , then met 2 men from Great Britain , had a little conversation ,then enjoying the view at Padang Baiā€¦ I sat down on the harbour deck and enjoying the coral belowā€¦ The water was clear enough for me to see the coral , lolā€¦ It was very hot thereā€¦ While waiting , I was just so amazed that , finally , I travelling alone! Lol! I always wanted to try travelling alone , and now it`s just like dream comes true , lolā€¦ Well , travelling alone doesn`t mean that you will be alone all the timeā€¦
Then @ 11 a.m. I got into the speedboatā€¦ It was nice small speedboatĀ  and the passengers not so full today and when I looked around , there`s no Domestic Tourists , lolā€¦ Mostly are European. Then the boat were leaving the harbourā€¦ I felt a lil bit sleepy , but then I decided to go up to see the view , I don`t want to missed it , although it was sunny day , but I thought , maybe next time I couldn`t see this kind of view anymore , lolā€¦ as u know usually I avoiding the sunā€¦ But this time , I just don`t careā€¦ It`s holiday anywayā€¦ If I don`t get tanned , it`s not like having holiday in the beach hahaā€¦ Then I just left my bag on the chair , coz I now it`s safe there , no burglar lolā€¦ Coz there are some people too who go upside and left their bags thereā€¦ So I went upside and , wow , the wind were blowing so fast and it`s kinda hard to reach on the top , but then I got some helpā€¦ Then I saw there are some people sunbathing there while enjoying the viewā€¦ Then I sat down and enjoying the view tooā€¦ I could see deep blue ocean with it`s big wavesĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  and the islandsā€¦ I don`t know what island , but there`s some unknown islands and it just looked amazing! =)
Ā Ā 
Then around 12 I arrived in Gili Trawangan harbourā€¦ Ow , I got frenz thereā€¦ As u know , Gili Islands are now developing , so there are many new hotels there , and some of my seniors in my campus work there , since I study about Hotel Industry. Then I met my friend who work there who were my senior in campus and get into Cidomo. What is Cidomo?
Well the only transport in Gili Islands are Bicycle and Cidomo. Using this Cidomo , we got to paid 50.000 IDR. It`s somewhat like Taxi in Gili Islands , and there`s only 32 Cidomo in Gili Trawangan. New nice info : there`s no air polution in Gili coz there are no motor vehicle there , so the air must be fresh =) Maybe the only air polution is the BBQ Smoke , lol. There are lots of CafƩ and Restaurants on the road side and also many cottage.
The cottage I lived was about 250.000 IDR per night include breakfast , and the breakfast menu was only 3 , lol. Pancake (with many choices filling) , Toast with kinds of Egg (Scramble , Omelete , etc) , and Fruit Platter. And we could choose between Tea or Coffee. There`s a pool in front and the beach is direct In front of the cottage area.
Ā Ā 
Then I got into my room , the room was clean , with AC , but no TV , anyway , who needs TV here , lolā€¦ Then the bathroom inside with shower. Nice =)
Then , since I was sleepless , so after took a shower , I just lay down and rest , lol. Then around 3 p.m. I got my Lunchā€¦ I got a local food like white rice with fried noodle and some vegetables. Then I walk around , seeing what`s around the island and sat down in the harbour with friend , looking at the coral below for some time and had a dinner , well buffet dinner in Villa Ombak. U could paid 100.000 IDR and get a around 250 gr your choices fish , and get the all you can eat buffet dinner. For the choices of the fish , there were Baracuda Fish , Snapper , Mahi-Mahi , Tuna , etc or u can choose Seafood too , there were Lobster , Prawn , Crabs etc. Then I choose Mahi-Mahi coz the texture is the softest one , and for the buffet , u could choose kinds of Salads like a Chicken Salad , Beef Salad , Fruit Salad and so on with your own topping and your own sauce choices. There were also Live Music in there and we can dance there , but I didn`t dance , lol , I just saw some girls danced with their friends. Then go back to the cottage and I phoned my mom and got some sleep.
I woke up early in the morning , around 6 a.m. and there were so silence. Then I sat alone in the gazebo in front of the pool and the beach , enjoying the viewā€¦ There were some people jogging surrounding the island ā€“ well it only needs around 2 hours to surrounding the island. Then around 7 a.m. there were an elder Australian couple sitting next to my Gazebo and we had a lil conversation.
Then the manager of the hotel offer me the breakfast. Then I got my coffee with milk first. I just sat down alone and listening to some old song , and then my Toast with Scramble Egg was comingā€¦ When I was eating my breakfast , my frenz come then we got breakfast.
Then around 10 we walk to get the Glass Bottom Tour. The Boat leaving at 10.30. We paid 100.000 IDR each , the boat will be leaving at 10.30 , then got to the first stop we got 30 minutes snorkeling around then go to the second stop near Gili Meno Island which is famous for its turtle and heading to Gili Air Island had a Lunch together and then continue to the third stop to get snorkeling around about 30 minutes then go back to Gili Trawangan around 3 p.m. That`s a lil bit explaining about Glass Bottom Boat Tour.
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Then after bought the ticket , we waited in the harbour with another passengers too and then get into the boat. The small boat consists around 20 persons , and we can see the coral from the glass in the bottom of the boat. Then the boat leaved the harbourā€¦ The view was amazing , I could see the ocean with it`s waves and the islands too. It was a sunny day but at some time it was cloudy too. Then we got into the first stop and we have 30 minutes snorkeling there.
Actually ,I never been snorkeling so far , so it would be my very first time , snorkeling in the middle of the ocean , lolā€¦ Then I got into the water , it was not so cold , a lil bit warm , maybe because of the sun , lolā€¦ Then snorkeling!!! At first I was doubt to get into the water (for some reason , lol) but then when everybody got into the water , I got a gut and get into the water tooā€¦ Andā€¦ Snorkeling was amazing!!! I never been swimming in the sea this far from the island , lolā€¦ Then after 30 minutes , we got into the boat again and the boat was heading to the second stop. Then I got a lil bit dizzy But I don`t really think about it , so I just ignore it. The more I felt it , the more I become sickā€¦ But I think if I was just ignore it , it would be gone =)
Then we got into the second stop , it was near the Gili Meno Island , famous with its turtle. And there`s a local guy guide us to chase the turtleā€¦ We swam a lil bit far from the boat and chase the turtleā€¦ After chasing the turtle , we got back into the boatā€¦ But then , there were 3 girls lost , they weren`t got into the boat instead the go into the Gili Meno island , lolā€¦ Then the boat heading there to pick them upā€¦ After that , the boat was heading to the Gili Air Island then we got Lunch in a Restaurant. We were at the same table with Danish Girls and had a lil conversation while having our lunch. We got an hour or more there and go back to the boat to continue the tour. Then we got into the third stop and got 30 minutes to snorkeling againā€¦ Then I saw many beautiful coral and many beautiful sea fish which were colorful =)Ā 
Then after 30 minutes , we go back into the Gili Trawangan and the tour was overā€¦ I really had a great experiences there!!! So happy =) Then after having the tour we got some Gelato and just relaxing on the cafĆ© with its big sofasā€¦ The view in front was a beach with its white sand and turquoise sea and Lombok and an island across. Nice beautiful viewā€¦ There were also some people sunbathing on the beachā€¦ So I lay down on the sofa , enjoying the view while listening to my i-Pod and fell asleep , lolā€¦
Then I woke up and walk along the beach , heading to my cottage to get a showerā€¦ Then go out for dinner in the local market , but brought it to the cottage and had dinner in the cottage , lolā€¦ Got some vegetables with rice , Kangkung Pelecing ā€“ local foods there , and some martabak ā€“ local cake. After had dinner , got sleepā€¦. Today was FUN!
After Snorkelling all day long , my back was pain coz of sunburn.
I forgot to give my back sunblock , so it get burn so badly , uurrrgghhh and the next day , it was very painful , even when i sit on a sofa
Tomorrow , planning to go back to Bali , so I thought I must sleep a lil bit earlierā€¦
I was planning to go back to Bali by speedboat again tomorrow @ 11 a.m. and after that stay in Bali again for 2 nights before my flight on 27 January. Maybe I`m going to bought some souvenirs from Bali for my family and my friends too… =)
I woke up early in the morning and decided to jogging surrounding the island @ 6.30 a.m. This morning was quite different from the other morningā€¦ I don`t know but I felt something different. Usually there`s some people jogging too , but this time , I only met few people jogging. Then heading to the back of the island , it wasn`t like the front side of the island which is many cafĆ© and restaurants. There were only few cafĆ© and restaurant , the rest was like a forest with many treesā€¦ Well , since I was jogging alone , I was a lil bit afraid , lolā€¦ But , I just keep jogging. It wasn`t as sunny as days beforeā€¦ And guess whatā€¦ Suddenly it was started rainingā€¦ But there`s only forest in front of me , so I kept jogging until I found a place to stayed. Then I decided to stop for a while and stay away from the rain… While sitting there alone , it`s like a net between 2 trees , I lay down , enjoying the view and took some pics.

Well , it seems like the rain won`t stop in a moment , so I decided to continuing surrounding the island. But then the rain got heavier and the wind start blowing so fast , then I decided to stop again at an empty Bar , but before , I found stairs heading to top , at first I wanted to go there , but dunno it heading . It was a nice Bar , with modern design , outdoor , big and luxury , but it was empty. I thought it was open only at night , so I decided to sat down there , waiting the rain and the wind. It was like an empty island actually. I was a lil bit confuse coz it seems like the no one operating the bar or even take care of the barā€¦ But I was just ignore it and wait there coz of the rain and the windā€¦ Then it was only 1 man passing , he was joggingā€¦ So it`s kinda spooky for me ,then I decided to continuing the jogging although it was raining and windy. Then after around 45 minutes I already arrived in the front part of the island , then I walked and went back to the cottage , started packing. I was planning to go back to Bali today by the speedboat @ 11 a.m. But then I got news from my friend that the speedboat couldn`t operating , there was no speedboat across to Bali today due to bad weather and the waves reached 7 metres. So I decided to extendedĀ  1 more night in Gili Trawangan. But I was kinda worried coz my flight from Bali to Bandung already booked for 27 January @ 8 p.m. It would be the next 2 days. So , the rest of the day I was just walking alone. Well , my friend offered to accompany me , but I just want to be alone. I dunno , sometimes I just need time to exploring something alone , lol. My friend thought that I was in a bad mood , but it wasn`t. Then I sat in the Gazebo for hours coz I couldn`t do nothing. It seems there was no activity to do due to bad weather , the people are just sitting in the Restaurants and CafĆ© there , some are sunbathing , but it wasn`t sunny day , some are swimming on the sea near the beach. That day was cloudy and windy. I drank coffee but it got cold so fast coz of the wind , errrā€¦

Then in the afternoon , we were jogging again , and stop for a moment in Villa Queen Hotel. While waiting , it began raining again and I met my ex-senior in campus who work there too and I was being offered to wait on the CafƩ and got compliment drinks. I got Orange Juice and Fruity Cocktail for free \(^.^)/
Then got a lil conversation with him about his experiences working there (he already be a captain of the restaurant) , and enjoying sunset , but the sunset wasn`t great , actually , coz it was cloudy =( But I was just enjoyed the view and the cocktail. Then my ex-seniors excuse me coz he got to back to his work.
Then we were continuing jogging again , but after drank the cocktail , maybe I got dizzy a lil bit and very energetic , lol , so I was running very fast , lol , and also it was so dark there , already 7 p.m. and there were some road without any lights , so I was kinda afraid and run faster , lol.
Then my friend told me a spooky story… When we passed by again the empty Bar where I sat that morning when I was jogging and it was raining , with the stairs heading to top , remember? But I decided not to go upstairs… the empty bar… It is an empty bar! So , the bar already closed. It was belong to a rich Indian man , who build an area for a bar , his house , and cemetery of his family. So the stairs which I passed by this morning was heading to the cemetery! Lucky I decided not to go upstairs!!!! Then one night , the rich Indian man had a party with his family and his friends… Then after the party , the are all die because of overdose! After that , that area were left empty! Whaaattt… it was so spooky! I thought it was open at night , but the fact is , it was left empty , what a spooky place…
Then after arrived in front part of the island , we decided to eat Pizza. Then we ate at Trattoria Restaurant , one of the best Italian Restaurant in Gili Trawangan and famous with it`s Pizza. And I ordered Pizza with Mozarella Cheese , Ham , Mushroom , Bacon. It tasted so great , I never had a Pizza this tasty before in Bandung or Jakarta or where else. Maybe because in here , the Pizza contains `pork` so it was more tasty =p lol. Then went back to the cottage and I started packing coz I should leave this island tomorrow , no matter what coz my flight already booked on 27 January!!! Then change plan , book a ferry rather than speedboat , coz the ferry is bigger than speedboat , so if the waves big too , the ferry may still operate. So heading to Lombok to reach the Ferry… Then in about an hour, arrived in Lombok… =)

Exploring Another Side of Bali – PART 2

So , when everybody from my campus went back to Bandung by Bus , i planned to extended my staying in Bali for 3 days… At first i want to extended with some friends , we already made a plan , but then , few days before , my friends seems like having their own plan and what can i do… i will go my own , and since i always wanted to go by myself and become more independent , i will travelled alone… Luckily , i got some Balinese friends who gave me some advice about Bali and so on =)

Then after a long story , i got hosted in a private small nice villa in a village near Tabanan. So many times I`ve been in Bali , holiday with friends and also with family , but seems like i always go to Kuta , Sanur , Jimbaran… Never been stayed in a small village with local people , always in a touristic area… So it`s kinda a new journey for me… XD And i guess it will be such a very different experience for me…
A lil bit flashback in my life , when I went to Bali with my high school friends in 2009 , we stayed in Kuta , and every free program , I just window shopping with my friends , hang out in a cafĆ© , etc , so bored lol. I even can do that in my city , lol! And now , I could have a different feeling by staying in a private villa in a village \(^.^)/ and also after have a little conversation with the owner ā€“ who asked me to call him Pa Vivin ā€“ then he asked me to regard him as my own father in Bali , which means now I have a stepfather in Bali , lolā€¦ He already has a daughter too, around my age , but his daughter work in Kuta and stay in Kuta , so maybe he put me down as his own daughter , lolā€¦ Dunno , but we had a great conversationā€¦
Ah , back to the storyā€¦ So after check out from the hotel , then my friends who extend their staying too , dropped me with my bags in Mc Donald and I had my `brunch` there. I ordered Burger with Coffee , while waiting. Then my cs friend , Pavel ā€“ but people usually call him Pasha , come and pick me up. He picked me up with the motorbike and , he just got 1 helmet , ooops XDĀ  and then when I ask him what if we got caught by the police , then he just said ā€œWell , just paid 50.000 IDR to the policeā€ lolā€¦ (Wow , rupanya Indonesia terkenal ama korupsi nya ya , heuheuā€¦ =pĀ  )
Then we were heading to the villa from Sanur , and then , whoopssiiieee , we got stopped by the police coz I didn`t use helmetā€¦ Then we moved side and the police , which was looked very grumpy , lol , asked about the driving license and Pasha showed his driving license , and then the police just said ā€œGo , buy helmet!ā€ with a grumpily face , lolā€¦ Well , I though the police will ask for some money , but he didn`t , lol.. Dunno whyā€¦ But then , along the road from Sanur to Tabanan , there`s many police caught me , but the police couldn`t stop us coz they had no motorbike at that time , lolā€¦ Only the first one coz he was on the motorbike , so he could chase us and stop us , lolā€¦ But along the road , I was so afraid to meet another grumpy police -.-ā€œ so I was just hiding behind Pasha`s back , hoping that the police didn`t notice me without helmetĀ  Ā (-.-ā€œ)/ hhwwaaaa >.<ā€Ā  Ā Ā Coz it was very easy to notice me without helmet coz my hair was like a LION KING`S hair , blown with the wind , HAHAHAHAHAHAā€¦. Whhuuuzzzzā€¦. (o^.^o)
Then after arrived at Tabanan Kota , we were heading to a more village area , in which the police are very rare and I don`t have to hide anymore and could see the beautiful view around the village , and it was amazing , coz there are many terraced rice fields by the side of the roadā€¦ So I was just amazed looking at the beautiful scenery along the road and the air was fresher too in the village than in the cityā€¦ Beautiful scenery with fresh air , GREAT!
Then I arrived ā€“ after a very long road from Sanur , lol , maybe 2 hoursĀ  and I saw a very nice small warm villa with garden and stones and also wooden floor terrace for relaxingā€¦ GREAT =) Then Pasha show me the room and gave me the key also =) The room was big , with a King Size Bed and TV tooā€¦ Then I just put my bag there and start to unpack my suitcaseā€¦ Then , I noticed , there`s no mirror in there , >.< and I didn`t have any mirror either , so while stayed there , I used no mirror hahaā€¦
Then I sat down and relaxing in the terrace , enjoying the great view from up there , it was so relaxing with mountain fresh air , away from the city , away from my routine activities , away from things that made me stressful hahaā€¦ This is holiday! After what I passed in previous semester , which was very stressful and exhausted! Lolā€¦ I just don`t want to think about anything there , just relaxing =)
Then had a little conversation with Pasha and I asked him about sightseeing around thereā€¦ He already rent and stayed in that villa for 4 months , so he knows that area well. Then he show me the terraced rice fields ā€“ Jatiluwihā€¦ It was amazing! Then we stopped in a small tavern and had Avocado Juices while enjoying the view and then I decided to had a walk in a foot lane in the side part of the rice fields , just wonder what`s onā€¦ But there was nothing , so we decided to go back and go to the Hot Spring. It was almost raining lolā€¦
Then we arrived in the Hot Spring and take a bath thereā€¦ It was like a small pool for 4 persons , like a nature jacuzzi actually , with the stones for the seat and there`s also a hot water coming out from the bamboo stick and some grass in the edges of the pool , it was very natural =) I like itā€¦ I won`t find something like that in my city hahahaā€¦ Although there was some algae on the stone lolā€¦ Then Pasha wonder why I didn`t get tanned and sunburst like himā€¦ Am I avoiding the sun? And the answer is , Yep , I avoiding the sun , lolā€¦ And he confused why am I do thatā€¦ Then I explained that mostly for Asian , a good looking skin colour is when your skin is white and bright , well doesn`t mean tanned skin is bad , but Asian prefer to have a white skin. There`s even many skin whitening in the Asian Market lol , but I understand why he wondered coz mostly , for the Caucasian , the tanned skin which looks good , lolā€¦ Well , that`s one of our culture differentiation. White skin and tanned skin , lol.
And then , after some time , it was raining and getting cold >.< so we decided to go up and go from there. And the rain got heavier >.< and he brought me to his friends place. It was dark already and I was wet too coz of the rain , errrā€¦ >.< then I was introduced to his friends who are Russian too , Galya and Andrew. They got lots of pets and animals in their place. They had cat and dog and there are another animals tooā€¦ But the dog was licking me and it was very tickling and I couldn`t stop laughing when the dog licked me , lol. They cooked a soup and offered me the soup. It was so cold there and had a hot soup would be such a great =) It was a clear soup with some vegetables and spaghetti on it. And they brought us some beers too but I only had a little , I don`t really like it coz it tastes bitter >.< Ā Then Galya show me pictures in her computer and the pictures was amazing. And she show me her paint too and it was such a great paint =) Then we went back and there were many dogs around the villa and they are barking to us and I got panic!!!! Oh No! lolā€¦ I was afraid that the dog will bite my leg or even worse , my ass lol XD Then I took a shower , unfortunately there were no hot water , soā€¦ >.< it was very cold hahaā€¦ After that I was so tired and go back to my room and fall asleepā€¦ lol
I woke up around 8 in the morning and it was so cold for me , then I sat alone in the terrace and relaxing while enjoying the view , the sky was cloudy. It was so relaxing , remembering the past view days I was so tired , lots of activity programs from the tours and had no enough sleep. Now I could just relaxing =) Like thiiiissss (thumbs)Ā  šŸ˜‰Ā  Then Pasha woke up and he work on his projectā€¦ I just sat down for hours ,covered with the blanket coz it was cold there while enjoying the view and be grateful for this moment I could relaxing =) refreshing my mind and bring new idea of life XD and ate some Mangosteen =) There`s a lot of fruits there , just named itā€¦ Oranges , Bananas , Salak , MangosteensĀ  šŸ˜‰
Then after he work , he cooked me Bean Cake (Tempe) and chat a bitā€¦ It was raining all day , made us lazy to go anywhere , so we were just sat down in the terrace lolā€¦ And maybe because of the rain , I fell asleep lolā€¦ Dunno for how longā€¦ Then after I woke up , Pasha show me his project and then he show me Russian Cartoonsā€¦ I watched 3 Russian Cartoons.
  • The first one is about a traveller man who fall in love with a princessā€¦
  • And the second was about an alien who wants to be friends with a human on earthā€¦ At first the human was afraid with the alien , but then because of a song , then they become friendsā€¦ The song who made them stick together was familiar for me , lolā€¦ It was `theme from Godfather`
  • And the third was something like Tom & Jerry cartoon but Russian version I guessā€¦ So the Tom was a wolf and the Jerry was a rabbitā€¦ It was the funniest cartoon among the other , and I do really like the rabbitā€¦ hahaā€¦ So funnyā€¦
And then the owner came and we had a nice conversation and got close in a momentā€¦ He regards me as his own daughter , lol and asked me to regard him as my own father in Bali , my Balinese father , lolā€¦ He was very kinship =) so I was like feel at home there lol XD He also brought us some mangosteens which he had just pluck from the tree , so the mangosteens were fresh =) and sweetā€¦ Owww I miss it all so badly >.< Not that I got a sucks life here , but living in a big city just not that close to nature , lolā€¦ Even the foods contain chemicals T_T and the air are polutedā€¦ There , I could drink from the tap water =) the water is fresh from the mountain!!! So greatā€¦
Then after the rain stop , around 3 p.m. , Pasha took me to a Butterfly Museum , in which I could see the process of a Butterfly from cocoon until it become a beautiful butterfly XD and there were many unique insects such as ladybug , scorpion etcā€¦ The colors are beautiful tooā€¦ The ticket price at first was 50.000 IDR each , but then I asked for the local price and got 35.000 IDR each XD
Then it was already around 4 p.m. and my stomach was already ask to be feed , lolā€¦ So we ate Nasi Campur (Rice with Vegetables and meats)ā€¦
Then go back to Villa , and I`m curious with the backyard of the villaā€¦ What`s on thereā€¦ So I asked Pasha to walk go along the footstep road behind the villaā€¦ We walked pretty far away from the villa , heading to the mountainā€¦ Then I looked at my watch and no idea it was already 6 p.m. lolā€¦ In my city , before 6 p.m. usually the sky dark already , but in Bali , it still brightā€¦ So we decided to go back before it got darker and we were like in the middle of nowhere , hahaā€¦ Then when we went back , we enjoy a view from the top for a momentā€¦ There , I almost could see half of Bali! But unfortunately , I was not tall enough , lol , so I couldn`t see the view clearly coz there are many tree closed my sight , lolā€¦ So I decided to go up to the middle of the rice fields to get a better sight XD then the next thing we do was climbing the terraced rice fields lolā€¦ I never been in the middle of the rice fields before hahaā€¦ It was a hard track to climb , with the gooey soil which is hard to be stepped atā€¦ my sandals often get trapped there and hard to be lifted up lol , but it was a great experience , climbing the rice fields, walking across the small river, lolā€¦ Then after we got into the top , I could see the view! Half of Bali! I could see the Nusa Dua Beach , the city , and the Mountains! If I`m not mistaken , I could see Mt.Agung from there =) What a great view XDĀ  \(^.^)/Ā  So happyā€¦ After some moments , we decided to went back to villaā€¦ But I want to try a new track to get down the rice fields , because the previous track was hard I think , so I would like to try a new track by get down the rice fields until we found the footsteps roadā€¦ But then after we tried , it was a dead end , lolā€¦ And also it was getting darker , almost 7 p.m. so we decided to go back through the previous trackā€¦ I almost forgot the way coz in the middle of the rice fields , it was all look the same , lolā€¦ I forgot the way back! But luckily , Pasha did remember the way backā€¦ hahaā€¦ so he walk in front of meā€¦ And , yeah! I remember now , there`s a track in which the soil was very gooey and my sandals trapped there and it was so hard to be lifted up and after that , my feet were covered by the soil lolā€¦ Then we met the small river where we across through it beforeā€¦ The water was very clear and fresh , so we decided to clean our full of soiled leg thereā€¦ I was so happy because I never found such clear river water before \(^.^)/
After we got finish , then we continue again , and in a momentā€¦ Taaarrrraaaaaaaā€¦. We found the footsteps road again (hooorrraaayyy) and walk back to the villaā€¦ It was dark already , maybe around 7.30 p.m? Then I took a shower , so fresh =) and after that Pa Vivin came and brought us some mangosteens , lolā€¦ And I ate a lot XD whooppssiiieee , but the Mangosteens are great!!! \m/(ā€œ,)
Then the tree of us had long conversation while having coffee ā€“ it was cold , so I covered myself with a blanket , lolā€¦ Usually I had to use AC in my house , but in here , no need anymore , and I like it =) After a lil bit late , Pa Vivin walk back home and I chat lil bit with Pasha and went back to my room. And guess what!!! I hard to get sleep! Maybe because of the coffee? Lolā€¦ But at that time , honestly saying , I was a lil bit afraid , sleeping alone >.< and also there`s some noise , errrā€¦. So I turned on the TV although I`m not watching on it , lolā€¦ Then maybe until 4 a.m. I still awake lolā€¦ Dooh! But then luckily , maybe I fell asleep and woke up a lil bit early in the morning ,and there`s a chicken in the gardenā€¦ hahahaā€¦
Then I just sat alone and enjoying the view again for hoursā€¦ I like it =) Then around 10 , Pasha woke up and we went to his another Russian friends place , but there was nobody , only the dogā€¦ Then we bought some foods to feed the dog , and for our breakfast too. After feed the dog , we went back and there`s already cs`er couple from Portugal coming and waiting for us. Joao and Suzi. Then we had our breakfast and had a lil conversation with them. They told us their bad experience in Monkey Forest , how the monkey stole things from them and how they must paid the local people ( who trains the monkey to stole from them , so that we must pay them to get our things back!) and how corrupt the Indonesian polices areā€¦ lol (tuh kan kata gw juga , Indonesia terkenal korup heiii!!!! Gubrak deh wkwkwk , yang suka minta uang damai tuh , diceritain ama turis wkwkwkā€¦.)
Then we decided to go together to Bedugul =) with motorbike. First we visited Jatiluwih again , coz Jo and Suzi haven`t seen itā€¦ So we went there and walk again in the rice fields , but this time , the track was easier than in the back of the villa , lolā€¦

Then after a long way , we were heading to Bedugulā€¦ First , to Danau Bratan (Bratan Lake) , again , I use no helmet , but I got a head cover , lolā€¦ So lil bit worries with the police hahaā€¦ Then we were confuse to get a duck ride or a rowing boatā€¦ Then after looked at the prices , we decided to get a boatā€¦ At first we got 50.000 IDR one rowing boat for 30 minutes , but then I bargain , so we got an hour , lolā€¦ So we get on the boat and rowed it by ourselfā€¦ lolā€¦. Building the muscles hahahahaā€¦. Then when there were a speedboat crossing near us , it was made a small wave and our boat was shaking lolā€¦ Then after got a lil bit far from the deck , we stopped rowing and took a pictures while enjoying the view around usā€¦ We were in the middle of the lake , surrounding with the mountains and the clouds , or the fogs? Not sure ehā€¦ Great views \(^.^)/ and there I could soaking my feetā€¦ The lake`s water was coldā€¦ I donā€™t know whether it`s clean or dirty , but for me , it was pretty clean , lolā€¦ So I put my feet into the lake waterā€¦ Then we decided to row back to the deckā€¦ Then heading to the second lakeā€¦ Actually there`s 3 lakes in Baliā€¦ But we only visited 2 lakesā€¦ And also the Strawberry farms , but it was expensive , lol.. So we didn`t buy it.

After that , we went to Gitgit Waterfall , it was pretty far and cold tooā€¦ It was a long winding road , but the views are great!!! I like the air and the views! Cold but fresh =) Then we arrived at Gitgit Waterfall , the same direction if we want to go to Singaraja , but it placed before Singarajaā€¦ Then there`s a local guide offering to guide us , but it was expensiveā€¦ Gitgit has 3 waterfalls , for 1 waterfall tour we gotta pay 100.000 IDR and for 3 waterfalls we gotta pay 200.000 IDR. But if we go our own , we only pay the entrance ticket , each 5.000 IDR , so we decided to go by ourself. After a long way down , we arrived to the first waterfall , the twin waterfallā€¦ When we get very near to the waterfall , it was dark and cold air there , but so fresh =) , the water`s current was very swiftā€¦ but it was such a very clean fresh water , I really like it! Love the nature =) I even get into the waterfalls , but the one with the current which is not so strongā€¦

And we played canyo-ingā€¦ It`s like a hanging rope between the steeply sloping riverbanks , in which we could hanging like a Tarzan , swinging from one side to another side , but it was a lil bit hard for me and Suzi hahaā€¦ When I tried it , my feet was stuck in a rope and I couldn`t get down , lol , so Suzi catch me and helped me to get down from the rope , lolā€¦ But before she caught me , I was hanging and swinging on the rope , holding tight to the rope , afraid to fall down , lol , until Suzi caught meā€¦ hahaā€¦ But it was great experience haha , never been like this before , such a great adventures for me. Then we get into the second waterfalls , it was a big oneā€¦ Then we decided to went back up to the parking lot and went back to the villa. But before we got our dinner very late , around 9 p.m.

Then after that I took a shower and chat a lil bit with Pavel , Joao , and Suziā€¦ Then went to sleep because tomorrow , I gotta wake up very early coz I will continue my trip to Gili Trawanganā€¦ Since I live in a small village , far from the city centre , so I have to go to the meeting point , in which I will be picked up by the shuttle bus service provided by the speed boat agencies , and luckily , Pasha don`t mind to deliver me to the city centre early in the morning , so many thanks to him , if not , I had no idea what I`m gonna do , coz it`s hard to get public transportation in that area. The shuttle bus service will picked me up @7a.m. in the morning , so I gotta go from the villa @5a.m. in the morningā€¦ I owe Pasha much to deliver me that early >.<Ā  So , I woke up around 4.30 and started packing , then woke him upā€¦ After some time , we were heading to the city centre , and go to Sanurā€¦ Then the pick up service told me to wait in KFC Sanur , that`s the only KFC in Sanur , so we were heading there and get there around 6.30 a.m.
Then while waiting , I decided to had a breakfast in KFC with Pasha. I got twister and he had Fish Burger , and for drinks we got Orange Juice =) Then I gave him back his hoodie , which I always use as a `helmet` lol , but then he told me that I could have itā€¦ Then the pick up service had already arrived and after having breakfast , we said Goodbyeā€¦ The experiences I got these few days made me hard to leave all those things thereā€¦ The nice villa , nice people I met , the kinship and new experiences I got , the atmosphere in there , and so onā€¦
– The End –